Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A throw pillow with knitted lace applique

The knitted lace on this throw pillow was created by my favorite middle daughter.

(Don't get your panties in a twist; I'm not slighting my other two daughters .... my knitting daughter is my ONLY middle daughter.  When you have three girls, one gets to be the Oldest, one gets to be the Youngest and one gets to be the Middle.  By default, they are ALL favorites of that particular birth order. :-)  )

Middle Dear Daughter is just the most talented knitter I've ever seen.  There isn't a pattern or project that she can't do.  And other than some very basic instruction from her older sister, she is entirely self-taught.  I find this talent simply amazing.

I don't knit.  I personally believe fairies come at night, when everyone is asleep, to create these magical items.  Mere mortals couldn't possibly do them.  And yet, I have actually witnessed middle Dear Daughter knitting!   I'm just not sure how she pulls it off. :-)

But knit this square she did.  I finally mounted it on a pillow cover by appliqueing it to the top.

Making the pillow cover was ANOTHER epic adventure all by itself, due entirely to utter stupidity on my part.

To see more detailed pictures of the exquisite knitted lace and read how the pillow nearly did me in, you can read all about it on the webpage for it, Throw Pillow with Knit Lace Applique.

That picture is just a teaser! For all the gory details and more pictures, please visit my web page for the Throw Pillow with Knit Lace

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