Since we returned from our road trip to the Pacific Northwest, I've been looking at the piles (yes, *piles*) of laundered fabric that was my haul from all the shops we visited. Some I purchased with specific projects in mind, others were bought "just because". But NONE of them were on my existing UFO list ... the list I have been steadfastly trying to reduce for lo, these many years (no kidding on that, either).
Effectively, what I did was increase my list of Projects To Do. Sigh. But the fabric was so pretty! :-)
In any case, here are the completed TOPS ONLY (quilting is a completely separate project) that I have done since we returned (um, which would be 1 week and 2 days ago). These tops were made (mostly) with fabric I obtained on our road trip ... the fabric never even made it into the General Population. :-)
* 4-Patch Stacked Posey (or a One Block Wonder/4-patches)
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original fabric |
I wasn't real *thrilled* with the outcome of my version. The pattern calls for
sashing, which I didn't want to do. But I had seen some absolutely fabulous versions with the 4-patches just smooshed up against each other.
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4-Patch Stacked Posies top only |
Maybe I didn't group them as well as they could have been grouped. Maybe my fabric wasn't the greatest choice to begin with. Whatever the reason, the center part of the top, where all the 4-patches are, looks like an incredibly busy mish-mash. I could have achieved this same look by simply using the fabric as-is. Eh .. whatever. It is what it is.
The red inner border fabric and the black setting triangle fabric came from my stash.
* Shadow Box / Illusion
I've made this layout before; it's a great optical illusion of 3D boxes with shadows. The pattern is "Shadowbox" by Mountainpeek Creations. Interestingly, I couldn't find *my* pattern on their website .. really weird ... but you can see a version of it on Kaye Woods' site.
My "focus" fabric was the ADORABLE green & blue sheep fabric. There was also a coordinating blue dot fabric. My original intent was to make a self-mitering baby blanket for an upcoming baby shower .. which I did. Hooray!
(and then I found out that the gender of the yet-to-be-delivered baby was female and this blue/green version looks more masculine to me (although blue is MY favorite color and I'm not masculine at all!). So I made another self-mitered baby blanket, using more "girly" fabric. Heh .. I get to keep the sheep blanket!)
But, I had quite a bit of the fabric leftover, which is where the Shadowbox quilt came in. Although I had many leftover sheep and blue dot rectangles, there weren't enough of them, by themselves, to make a Shadowbox quilt. I augmented with a green flannel. The black shadow, the white sashing and green flannel fabric came from my stash.
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Shadowbox version 1 |
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Shadowbox version 2 |
* which leads us to my current, in-progress quilt top: another One Block Wonder but this time with hexagons.
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original fabric |
I had bought the rest of the fabric available at the shop, which was about 3-3.5 yards. I thought SURELY this would be enough for a One Block Wonder (of some sort). Well, what I hadn't remembered is that the length of the pattern repeat on the fabric plays a HUGE role in how much fabric you need to make the hexagon version.
For hexagons, you need 6 triangles ... i.e. you need 6 repeats of the fabric print because you are going to stack those repeats vertically on top of each other to get your 6 triangles. From the fabric that I bought, I *was* able to get 6 repeats (whew!) and 2 more .. which means that all the hexagons I was ever going to get would be from that single stack of 6 repeats.
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green outlines the "voids" |
Depending on how you sew the triangles together, the look of the resultant hexagon will be wildly different. The predominant color will change as the position of the triangles change. You never know how many hexagons of a particular dominant color you are going to get until you sew all the hexagons.
So, with the colors that emerged from my hexagons, I moved them all around .. repeatedly! ... until the final result was something that pleased my eyeballs. There is no right or wrong way to group the hexagons; it's whatever looks good to you. When I was satisfied with my final arrangement, there were quite a number of "voids" ... areas where I didn't have any hexagons to be used.
Googling what others had done with their One Block Wonders, I saw where one enterprising quilter had simply appliqued the hexagons on top of the original fabric to fill in the "voids"! WONDERFUL idea! I even had enough leftover to do exactly that! I was very, very pleased!
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voids filled and 1st border |
And here is the filled-in version, along with a narrow stop border. This is where I am right now. Since I don't have a substantial amount of original fabric to use as an outer border, I need to think a while to figure out what kind of outer border to put on it.